The Collections of Stories for a Year
1. Black Shawl (Scialle nero, 1922)
“Black Shawl” (“Scialle nero”)
“Wedding Night” (“Prima notte”)
“The Fumes” (“Il ‘fumo’”)
“The Shrine” (“Il tabernacolo”)
“In Defense of Mèola” (“Difesa del Mèola”)
“The Lucky Ones” (“I fortunati”)
“Seeing As It Isn’t Raining” (“Visto che non piove…”)
“Formalities” (“Formalità”)
“The Paper Fan” (“Il ventaglino”)
“This Makes Two!” (“E due!”)
“Best Friends” (“Amicissimi”)
“If …” (“Se…”)
“The Rivers of Lapland” (“Rimedio: la geografia”)
“Reply” (“Risposta”)
“The Bat” (“Il pipistrello”)
2. Naked Life (La vita nuda, 1922)
“Naked Life” (“La vita nuda”)
“Tap Tap” (“La toccatina”)
“Bitter Waters” (“Acqua amara”)
“Pellet and Mimì” (“Pallino e Mimì”)
“Dead Center” (“Nel segno”)
“Granella’s House” (“La casa del Granella”)
“Set Fire to the Straw” (“Fuoco alla paglia”)
“The Faithfulness of the Dog” (“La fedeltà del cane”)
“All Respectably Done” (“Tutto per bene”)
“The Dearly Departed” (“La buon’anima”)
“Without Malice” (“Senza malizia”)
“The Doctor’s Duty” (“Il dovere del medico”)
“Even” (“Pari”)
“The Widower’s Way Out” (“L’uscita del vedovo”)
“Distraction” (“Distrazione”)
3. A Prancing Horse (La rallegrata, 1922)
“A Prancing Horse” (“La rallegrata”)
“Chants the Epistle” (“Canta l’Epistola”)
“Sun and Shade” (“Sole e ombra”)
“Bobbio’s Hail Mary” (“L’avemaria di Bobbio”)
“The Imbecile” (“L’imbecille”)
“Her Majesty” (“Sua Maestà”)
“The Little Cripple Girl’s Three Thoughts” (“I tre pensieri della sbiobbina”)
“Above and Below” (“Sopra e sotto”)
“A Goy” (“Un goj”)
“The License” (“La patente”)
“Night” (“Notte”)
“Either of One or of No One” (“O di uno o di nessuno”)
“A Dirge” (“Nenia”)
“Nenè and Ninì” (“Nenè e Nini”)
“Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine!”
4. The Lonely Man (L’uomo solo, 1922)
“The Lonely Man” (“L’uomo solo”)
“The Reserved Coffin” (“La cassa riposta”)
“The Train Has Whistled” (“Il treno ha fischiato”)
“Aunt Michelina” (“Zia Michelina”)
“Professor Earthquake” (“Il professor Terremoto”)
“The Long Dress” (“La veste lunga”)
“Our Memories” (“I nostri ricordi”)
“Watch and Ward” (“Di guardia”)
“The Madonna’s Gift” (“Dono della Vergine Maria”)
”The Truth” (“La verità”)
“To Fly” (“Volare”)
“The Fish Trap” (“Il coppo”)
“The Trap” (“La trappola”)
“News from the World” (“Notizie del mondo”)
“A Character’s Tragedy” (“La tragedia d’un personaggio”)
5. The Fly (La mosca, 1923)
“The Fly” (“La mosca”)
“The Catara Heresy” (“L’eresia catara”)
“The Surprises of Science” (“Le sorprese della scienza”)
“The Medals” (“Le medaglie”)
“The Wax Madonna” (“La Madonnina”)
“The Hat from Padua” (“La berretta di Padova”)
“The Warmer” (“Lo scaldino”)
“Far Away” (“Lontano”)
“Faith” (“La fede”)
“With Other Eyes” (“Con altri occhi”)
“Between Two Shadows” (“Tra due ombre”)
“Nothing” (“Niente”)
“Paper World” (“Mondo di carta”)
“The Old Man’s Slumber” (“Il sonno del vecchio”)
“The Destruction of Man” (“La distruzione dell’uomo”)
6. In Silence (In silenzio, 1923)
“In Silence” (“In silenzio”)
“The Other Son” (“L’altro figlio”)
“Death Is Upon Him” (“La morte addosso”)
“That’s Fine” (“Va bene”)
“The Little Garden Up There” (“Il giardinetto lassù”)
“The Forgotten Mask” (“La maschera dimenticata”)
“The Wet Nurse” (“La balia”)
“The Crow of Mizzaro” (“Il corvo di Mìzzaro”)
“The Vigil” (“La veglia”)
“The Evil Spirit” (“Lo spirito maligno”)
“Back to the Fields!” (“Alla zappa!”)
“A Voice” (“Una voce”)
“Such Is Life” (“Pena di vivere così”)
7. All Three (Tutt’e tre, 1924)
“All Three” (“Tutt’e tre”)
“The Shadow’s Remorse” (“L’ombra del rimorso”)
“The Button of the Overcoat” (“Il bottone della palandrana”)
“The Tight Frock Coat” (“Marsina stretta”)
“My Wife’s Husband” (“Il marito di mia moglie”)
“Ms. Boccarmè, the Schoolmistress” (“La maestrina Boccarmè”)
“Water and There” (“Acqua e lì”)
“Like Twin Sisters” (“Come gemelli”)
“Breath of Air” (“Filo d’aria”)
“An Ideal Marriage” (“Un matrimonio ideale”)
“Return” (“Ritorno”)
“You Laugh” (“Tu ridi”)
“A Little Wine” (“Un po’ di vino”)
“The King Set Free” (“La liberazione del re”)
“The Two Partners” (“I due compari”)
8. From Nose to Sky (Dal naso al cielo, 1925)
“From Nose to Sky” (“Dal naso al cielo”)
”Escape” (“Fuga”)
“Marital Duties” (“Certi obblighi”)
“Ciàula Discovers the Moon” (“Ciàula scopre la luna”)
“Who Pays the Price” (“Chi la paga”)
“Blessing” (“Benedizione”)
“Moon Fever” (“Male di luna”)
“The Changeling” (“Il figlio cambiato”)
“The Starling and the Angel One-Hundred-and-One” (“Lo storno e l’Angelo Centuno”)
“Superior stabat lupus”
“When in Doubt” (“Nel dubbio”)
“The Wreath” (“La corona”)
“Yesterday and Today” (“Jeri e oggi”)
“In the Whirlpool” (“Nel gorgo”)
“Old Music” (“Musica vecchia”)
9. Donna Mimma (Donna Mimma, 1925)
“Donna Mimma” (“Donna Mimma”)
“The New Suit” (“L’abito nuovo”)
“The Little Black Goat” (“Il capretto nero”)
“A Bench under an Old Cypress” (“Sedile sotto un vecchio cipresso”)
“The Cat, a Goldfinch and the Stars” (“Il gatto, un cardellino e le stelle”)
“The Dog’s Revenge” (“La vendetta del cane”)
“Swift and Little Swallow” (“Rondone e Rondinella”)
“War” (“Quando si comprende”)
“A Horse in the Moon” (“Un cavallo nella luna”)
“Mortal Remains” (“Resti mortali”)
“Fear of Being Happy” (“Paura d’esser felice”)
“Visiting the Sick” (“Visitare gl’infermi”)
“The Pensioners of Memory” (“I pensionati della memoria”)
10. The Old God (Il vecchio Dio, 1926)
“The Old God” (“Il vecchio Dio”)
“Tanino and Tanotto” (“Tanino e Tanotto”)
“To Civic Value” (“Al valor civile”)
“Pythagoras’ Misfortune” (“La disdetta di Pitagora”)
“When I was Crazy” (“Quand’ero matto…”)
“Examination for a Post with the Council of State” (“Concorso per referendario al Consiglio di Stato”)
“In Corpore Vili” (“In corpore vili”)
“The Three Loved Ones” (“Le tre carissime”)
“The Annuity” (“Il vitalizio”)
“An Invitation to Dine” (“Un invito a tavola”)
“The Rising Sun” (“La levata del sole”)
“Sicilian Limes” (“Lumie di Sicilia”)
11. The Jar (La giara, 1928)
“The Jar” (“La giara”)
“The Captive” (“La cattura”)
“Looking at a Print” (“Guardando una stampa”)
“Fear of Sleep” (“La paura del sonno”)
“The Disbanded League” (“La Lega disciolta”)
“The Dead and the Living” (“La morta e la viva”)
“Another Skylark” (“Un’altra allodola”)
“A Call to Duty” (“Richiamo all’obbligo”)
“Think About It, Giacomino!” (“Pensaci, Giacomino!”)
“It’s Nothing Serious” (“Non è una cosa seria”)
“Apprenticeship” (“Tirocinio”)
“The Illustrious Deceased” (“L’illustre estinto”)
“The Dressing Room of Eloquence” (“Il guardaroba dell’eloquenza”)
“Tiny Spheres!” (“Pallottoline!”)
“Two Double Beds” (“Due letti a due”)
12. The Trip (Il viaggio, 1928)
“The Trip” (“Il viaggio”)
“The Red Booklet” (“Il libretto rosso”)
“The Hand of the Indigent Invalid” (“La mano del malato povero”)
“Puberty” (“Pubertà”)
“Youth” (“Gioventù”)
“Unaware” (“Ignare”)
“The Umbrella” (“L’ombrello”)
“Zafferanetta” (“Zafferanetta”)
“Happiness” (“Felicità”)
“A Day Dawns” (“Spunta un giorno”)
“Vexilla Regis” (“Vexilla regis…”)
“The Stuffed Bird” (“L’uccello impagliato”)
“Farewell, Leonora!” (“Leonora, addio!”)
“The Light in the House Across the Street” (“Il lume dell’altra casa”)
“Let’s Get It Over With” (“Leviamoci questo pensiero”)
13. Candelora (1928)
“Candelora” (“Candelora”)
“The Lord of the Ship” (“Il signore della nave”)
“The Waiting Room” (“La camera in attesa”)
“Romulus” (“Romolo”)
“The Rose” (“La rosa”)
“By Himself” (“Da sé”)
“The Reality of the Dream” (“La realtà del sogno”)
“Feather” (“Piuma”)
“A Portrait” (“Un ritratto”)
“Zuccarello the Distinguished Melodist” (“Zuccarello distinto melodista”)
“Servitude” (“Servitù”)
“I Have So Many Things to Tell You…” (“Ho tante cose da dirvi...”)
“While the Heart Suffered” (“Mentre il cuore soffriva”)
“The Wheelbarrow” (“La carriola”)
“Some Guy Died in the Hotel” (“Nell’albergo è morto un tale”)
14. Berecche and the War (Berecche e la guerra, 1934)
“Berecche and the War” (“Berecche e la guerra”)
“One More” (“Uno di più”)
“A Breath” (“Soffio”)
“An Idea” (“Un’idea”)
“Lucilla (Now that She’s Argued with the Nuns)” (“Lucilla (ora che s’è guastata con le monache)”)
“The Soft Touch of grass” (“I piedi sull’erba”)
“Cinci” (“Cinci”)
“At Nightfall, A Geranium” (“Di sera, un geranio”)
15. A Single Day (Una giornata, 1937)
“Effects of an Interrupted Dream” (“Effetti d’un sogno interrotto”)
“Someone’s Laughing” (“C’è qualcuno che ride”)
“The Visit” (“Visita”)
“Victory of the Ants” (“Vittoria delle formiche”)
“When You’ve Understood the Game” (“Quando s’è capito il giuoco”)
“God, My Master” (“Padron Dio”)
“The Test” (“La prova”)
“The House of Agony” (“La casa dell’agonia”)
“Kindhearted” (“Il buon cuore”)
“The Turtle” (“La tartaruga”)
“The Luck to Be a Horse” (“Fortuna d’esser cavallo”)
“A Challenge” (“Una sfida”)
“The Nail” (“Il chiodo”)
“Mrs. Frola and Mr. Ponza, her Son-in law” (“La Signora Frola e il Signor Ponza, suo genero”)
“A Single Day” (“Una giornata”)
Appendix (Appendice, 1938)
“Little Hut: Sicilian Sketch” (“Capannetta: bozzetto siciliano”)
“The Wealthy Woman” (“La ricca”)
“The Wave” (“L’onda”)
“The Signorina” (“La signorina”)
“The Wives’ Friend” (“L’amica delle mogli”)
“The Cooper’s Cockerels” (“I galletti del bottajo”)
“Anna’s Refusal” (“Il “no” di Anna”)
“The Nest” (“Il nido”)
“Dialogues between the Big Me and the Little Me” (“Dialoghi tra il Gran me e il piccolo me”)
“Who Did It?” (“Chi fu?”)
“Christmas on the Rhine” (“Natale sul Reno”)
“A Christmas Dream” (“Sogno di Natale”)
“Twelve Letters” (“Le dodici lettere”)
“The Gallant Creditor” (“Creditor galante”)
“Fear” (“La paura”)
“The Choice” (“La scelta”)
“City Trees” (“Alberi cittadini”)
“Prudence” (“Prudenza”)
“Mrs. Hope” (“La signora Speranza”)
“This Year’s Mass” (“La Messa di quest’anno”)
“Stefano Giogli, One and Two” (“Stefano Giogli uno e due”)
“Master Love” (“Maestro Amore”)
“Interviews with Characters” (“Colloquii coi personaggi”)
“The Two Giants” (“I due giganti”)
“Fragment of the Chronicle of Marco Leccio and His War on Paper at the Time of Europe’s Great War” (“Frammento di cronaca di Marco Leccio e della sua guerra sulla carta nel tempo della grande guerra europea”)
“All Passion Spent” (“Sgombero”)
The “Extravagant” Stories (Novelle stravaganti, 1938)
“The Encounter” (“Incontro”)
“Bad Luck” (“Disdetta”)
“Bad Luck” (Continuation and Ending)” (“Disdetta (continuazione e fine)”)
“Secret Cry” (“Pianto segreto”)
“Characters” (“Personaggi”)
“Low Walls, a Fig Tree, and a Little Bird” (“I muricciuoli, un fico, un uccellino”)